Our Philosophy
As we walk our walk and follow our path there will be ups and downs, blessings and setbacks, gifts and challenges.
Whenever life puts an obstacle in the road, there are also tools to assist.
The obstacles and tools can make you work harder but also enable you to find parts of yourself. The journey will have victories and setbacks, but with each of these, we grow stronger over time.
We are here to help you through some of the toughest parts of that journey.
Our Journey Together
We know that being diagnosed with cancer can be a distressing time. All the doctors within this practice have been involved in cancer treatments for many years, and are committed to giving our patients the best treatment available. We work together with you to work out what treatment plan is right – for you.
Reach Dr Ramiah
DGMC Oncology| Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre | 18 Eton Road | Parktown | Johannesburg
Tel +(27) 11 482 3594
Email: dr@roncology.com
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